Constitution Day is a statutory public holiday in Ghana, observed on the 7th of January.
This day marks the adoption of the 4th republican constitutional dispensation of Ghana which started on 7th January 1993.
The 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana was approved on 28th April 1992 through a national referendum after 92% support. The constitution came into effect on January 7, 1993, providing the basic charter for the country’s fourth attempt at republican democratic government since independence in 1957.
The Constitution defines the fundamental political principles, establishing the structure, procedures, powers and duties of the government, structure of the judiciary and legislature, and spells out the fundamental rights and duties of a citizen.
On this Same day, Jerry John Rawlings was sworn into office on January 7 1993. He is the first President of the Fourth Republic of Ghana, and the fourth Constitutional President of Ghana.
During his inauguration, Rawlings said: “The Constitution is a framework we have created to guide our affairs so that there shall be consistency and equity in our efforts to make life more meaningful for all Ghanaians. Whether it will fulfil this noble purpose will depend on our using this framework as a tool for progress in a genuine spirit of mutual trust and responsibility.”
January 7th also marks the day new Heads of State are sworn into office in Ghana.
Happy Constitution Day Ghana!!!